Vaser Gynecomastia
Conveniently located to serve San Jose, CA

Vaser 3D Micro Lipo for gynecomastia is a liposuction machine that contours fat with ultrasonic (sound) energy. This is different from standard liposuction. Liposuction machines such as Laser, Power Assisted, and Ultrasound, among others, are all alternatives to achieve the same endpoint, but Vaser has clearly been revolutionary. At Jenesis Lipoplasty & Laser, we offer Vaser liposuction for the treatment of gynecomastia. Our team can take the time to determine the best course of action for treating your gynecomastia to ensure we provide you with results that fully satisfy your needs.
What Is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia – more commonly known as man boobs – is caused when excess fat develops in a man’s breast area. The Jenesis offers a range of male breast reduction treatments to shape the men’s chest with VASER Liposuction, 3 D Micro Lipo and/ or Surgical excision of fibrous tissue. True male breast is caused by excessive glandular breast tissue. Typically, this small localized lump under the nipple is harder than the normal surrounding fatty tissue that is composed of both adipose and fibrous glandular tissues. The causes of gynecomastia are usually alcoholism, insufficient testosterone hormone, and some medications.
As men become older, pseudo-gynecomastia can be observed in most male breasts. Also, for younger obsess men, excessively fatty breasts are common. Usually, their breasts are enlarged due to excessive amount of fat tissue even though the amount of glandular tissue is normal. Massive weight loss patients may require a more complex procedure which is similar to a female breast reduction with skin incisions and scars.
The Expertise of Dr. Jane
Each patient has to be evaluated individually to see what’s best for him by Dr. Jane or her trained patient care team in San Jose. Dr. Jane has extensive experience in all forms of liposuction for men’s abdomen and men’s chest. Over 30% of our liposuction patients are male, with the chest being one of the most common problem areas.

Liposuction for Men
Male breast liposuction is one of the most commonly treated liposuction areas for men. The other popular areas are the abdomen, flanks, neck, and face. A male patient’s excessive breast fat can be carefully reduced by liposuction to improve his physical appearance. Removing fatty breast tissue by liposuction is easy, but removing glandular tissue is much more difficult. If necessary, Dr. Jane can recommend a mammogram before liposuction to accurately assess the amount of glandular tissue that needs to be reduced.
Related Reviews
“This is the best liposuction doctor in the area. After many months later, my body shape got even better. After the surgery, the doctor provided me free laser massage therapies. I went back to the office and received an Active FX laser resurfacing treatment on my aging face. She is an excellent laser doctor too. I am very impressed about the doctor’s professionalism. I don’t know about the staffs but the doctor is great! I learned that she is one of few doctors in the Bay area who has most advanced laser systems.
Sandra S., Livermore, CA
Other Options for Treating Gynecomastia
Dr. Jane uses the 3D Micro Lipo technique in order to achieve the best results with a minimum scar and minimal downtime. Liposuction by local anesthesia is most effective for pseudo-gynecomastia. For most true gynecomastia patients, liposuction also can improve appearance. If Dr. Jane finds the glandular breast tissue is too dense, she may recommend a surgical removal method. For patients with a moderate amount of breast tissue, Dr. Jane in San Jose may put a little incision around the nipple to shape the chest. The scar is almost invisible a few months later.
What is Pseudogynecomastia?
Pseudogynecomastia also known as lipomastia is when the appearance of male breasts is because of fatty deposits and not glandular breast tissue. This is most commonly seen in overweight men. Usually, a routine of regular exercise and healthy eating will eventually reduce the appearance of Pseudogynecomastia but in some cases, the fat can be stubborn and cosmetic surgery such as Vaser liposuction may be suitable to help improve the appearance of the chest. If you are struggling to tell the difference between pseudo gynecomastia and true gynecomastia then please contact us to book a male chest reduction appointment with one of our experienced consultants or Dre. Jane.
What causes gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is caused by a hormonal imbalance between the hormones testosterone and estrogen. When a male lacks testosterone the increase in estrogen causes breast tissue to grow. Gynecomastia is common in newborn baby boys, puberty, and older age due to the change in hormones. In rare cases, gynecomastia can be caused as a side effect from medication, illegal drugs, excessive alcohol consumption, Klinefelter’s syndrome, and health abnormalities such as kidney failure or liver disease.
How can gynecomastia be corrected?
We offer a wide range of male chest reduction treatments to correct the appearance of gynecomastia. Procedures that we offer include; Vaser Liposuction, 3 D Micro liposuction and/ or Surgical glandular tissue removal.
Surgical Resection of Extra Glandular Tissue
Surgical resection is slightly more invasive compared to VASER Gynecomastia Micro 3 D Lipo. The procedure takes place under local anesthesia and a small incision to the area will be placed around the nipples.
How long does Vaser Gynecomastia 3 D Lipo take?
On average Vaser Gynecomastia 3 D Micro Lipo can take between 2 – 5 hours to complete which includes the liposuction of adjacent areas such as armpits, lateral side of chest, and or arms. These timings will vary however depending on what areas to ne treated together for aesthetically balanced result. During your initial consultation at Jenesis, we will be able to advise you on the most appropriate treatment for you. Once you have decided to go ahead, full details about the procedure including the length of time it is estimated to take will be provided to you.
Does the Procedure Hurt?
You will not feel pain during Vaser Gynecomastia 3 D Micro Lipo a male chest reduction procedure. Before the procedure starts you will have a local anesthesia to numb.
You will be prescribed pain killers after your Vaser Gynecomastia 3 D Micro Lipo. However, most of cases, you may need only Tylenol.
What scarring is there following male chest reduction surgery?
Scars after male chest reduction surgery will vary depending on which procedure you had. For those treated with Vaser Gynecomastia 3 D Micro Lipo then you will have small 2-3 mm scars at the incision sites on the chest and underarm areas but these do not require stitches and will heal and gradually fade over time. A surgical gynecomastia correction may involve some scarring around the nipple and in more severe cases the incision may run down the chest area when excess tissue or skin needs to be removed but this is rare.
How long will I need to wear a compression garment for?
The length of time that you need to wear a compression garment after Vaser Gynecomastia 3 D Micro Lipo will vary between patients and the procedure that they had. In most cases, it will be recommended that you wear the garment at all times for 1 week and then during the day for a further 3 weeks but this will be confirmed by Dr. Jane in their aftercare plan. A compression garment helps to control swelling, prevents seromas, stimulates blood flow and allows for skin contraction promoting better healing. Many patients keep their compression garments to wear as they wish in the future.
When can I return to work following male chest reduction surgery?
We advise taking 3 days to a week off to recover from your Vaser Gynecomastia 3 D Micro Lipo. Depending on the nature of your job role, you may need to take an additional week as you will need to avoid heavy lifting and stretching for the first few weeks of recovery.
How Soon Will I See the Results?
Once you have had a Vaser Gynecomastia 3 D Micro Lipo, you will certainly be able to see the initial results right next day after the procedure. It is important to remember however that you will have to go through some healing time where swelling may be present. Your final results are best seen after 2 months after the procedure once you are fully healed.
How Long Will the Results Last?
If the glandular breast tissue has been removed then it is unlikely to return. This is the same with fat cells however the only way to ensure that other fat cells do not expand and your results are maintained is by following a healthy diet and exercise plan.
When can I exercise after male reduction surgery?
We recommend that vigorous exercise and heavy lifting is avoided for 2-4 weeks post-procedure. If you start exercising too soon after your procedure then you can increase your risk for post-op complications such as swelling, pain and in severe cases hematoma so it is best to listen to your surgeon’s advice. You are encouraged to be active after gynecomastia correction procedures so walking around and light gentle exercise should be fine in the week following surgery. Light cardio workouts could then start to be carried out 1 weeks post-surgery and you can start to ease yourself back into your gym routine again 2-3 weeks post-op. We do advise that upper body workouts are still then avoided for 3-6 weeks unless your surgeon has advised otherwise. Full post-op care advice will be discussed with you at your consultation and after your procedure before you return home.
Recovering from Your Vaser Gynecomastia
Dr. Jane advises her patients to have a short walk about inside or outside their homes on the day of the surgery. The short walk will enhance drainage through small openings and minimize swelling. There is no post-operative activity restriction. However, for one or two days, absorptive pads are applied to absorb the drainage and are held in place by an elastic compression garment and/or elastic binders until the drainage stops. Adequate compression will help to prevent bleeding and excessive bruising. Her patients are expected to take a shower at least once or twice daily beginning the next day of surgery.

Benefits of Vaser Gynecomastia
- Safer, more consistently reliable results compared to open surgery
- No Big Scar
- Less blood loss than standard liposuction
- Less pain
- Vaser melts the fibrofatty tissue associated with gynecomastia very effectively
- The incision when I use Vaser around the areola is smaller than surgical gynecomastia treatment.
In conclusion, Vaser Gynecomastia 3D Micro Lipo has minimal complications, reduces risk, and offers consistent reliable results without a big scar.
The Cost of Vaser Gynecomastia
During your consultation at Jenesis Lipoplasty & Laser, our team will go over the expected cost of your Vaser gynecomastia treatment in San Jose. There are several factors that need to be considered when determining the cost of your treatment. Dr. Jane can also let you know about the financing options we offer through CareCredit.
Schedule a Consultation
If you are bothered by the enlarged appearance of your breasts and would like to know if you are a good candidate for Vaser gynecomastia treatments, contact Jenesis Lipoplasty & Laser today to schedule a consultation in San Jose. Dr. Jane Chung specializes in laser liposuction and is dedicated to providing all of our patients with the care and results they need.
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